General Cleaning

General Cleaning Firstly, try water rinse using soft sponge with modest pressure to remove the stain. If the stain remains after dry, then use neutral detergents or household cleaners diluted with water. Typical cleaning procedures are as follows. a.Dilute a detergent or a cleaner to 1-5% with water. b.Apply the solution and spread on ALUSONG panel surface with soft rags or sponges. Wait for 1 minute, then the foam will blacken. c.Dry the solution with a squeegee and wipe the remaining solution with wet cloth containing clean water.

Stubborn Stain

According to our test, alkali cleaners such as Sharpshooter and Windex are applicable to strong stain, however metallic colors of ALUSONG panel requires good rinsing with water afterward. It is because in metallic colors, non-rinsing may cause a color change due to remaining alkali. For solid colors, stone and timber finishes, rinsing with water is unnecessary especially.

Note: Sharpshooter is a versatile cleaner from 3M(alkali,pH12),and Windex is a glass cleaner from Johnson (alkali,pH11).As these are alkali solutions, prevent eye and skin contact. Follow manufacturer’s safety instructions.

If you use other strong cleaners or stain removers, you need to test in a small area first. Generally, strong acid and alkali may cause a gloss change, color change, or swelling of coating film. Do not use cleaners containing abrasives. Do not use strong solvents and paint thinners.

Stubborn Stain